Recycle marine plastics pencil
- upcycle
- Recycle marine plastics
Plastic waste from the ocean and companies is purchased as valuable resources, crushed, cleaned, and transformed into ballpoint pens. Each one is individually colored and features a unique design.

REMARE Recycle marine plastics and Optimizing the Global Plastic Circulation Japan's fish catch is declining and its self-sufficiency rate continues to fall. In order to solve this problem, we are working to convert plastics discharged from primary industries into sustainable materials. To solve this problem, we are converting plastics from the primary industry into sustainable materials. Reduce the cost of industrial waste from primary industries, and CO2 emissions are reduced. We believe that resin is a finished material. The boards manufactured by materialcycle are If they are no longer needed, we collect them and recycle them again. We are trying to realize self-sufficiency of materials and Deteriorated materials are converted to oil and used as energy for marine transportation. and used as energy for marine transportation. The more sustainable materials are used, the more they can be used to enhance the value of the tourism industry experience and the more they can be used as decarbonizing building materials. as a building material that can be decarbonized the more it is used. We would like to expand this initiative. Once again, we need to review the materials available in Japan and We will not stop taking steps to make them useful in the value chain of various industries. We will never stop taking steps to make the materials useful in the value chain of various industries. Recycle marine plastics and Optimizing the Global Plastic Circulation Japan's fish catch is declining and its self-sufficiency rate continues to fall. In order to solve this problem, we are working to convert plastics discharged from primary industries into sustainable materials.